Announcing Homebase V2

Homebase is adding exciting new features including NFT treasuries and upgrading its smart contracts to improve on previous versions.

Tezos Commons
Tezos Commons


We are excited to announce that Homebase V2 is live! With many new requested features and improvements, as well as a UX overhaul, Homebase aims to be your go-to for creating and managing a DAO on Tezos.

Homebase is also upgrading its smart contracts to both add new features and improve on potential scaling issues in previous versions. New DAOs created on Homebase will use the new version of its contracts, while previously created DAOs created on V1 can be migrated to V2 with the provided migration tool.

Click here to get started!

New Features

  • New visual identity for the application: we’re bringing a more responsive and mobile friendly feel to the application, while keeping it fresh and modern.
  • NFT treasury: we’ve given users the possibility to manage their NFTs through a DAO in Homebase. We’ve added an NFT treasury page that displays all NFTs held by the DAO and also the possibility of creating proposals to collectively manage them.
  • Configuration proposal: DAO members can now create a proposal to change the configuration parameters of their DAO. Not all parameters are currently modifiable, but some critical ones like the fee required to create a proposal are now changeable.
  • Guardian change proposal: users can now create a proposal to change their designated DAO guardian.
  • Delegation proposal: users can now create a proposal to delegate DAO-held XTZ to a baker, and allow the treasury to receive staking reward payouts.
  • Block timers: instead of the boring and not so friendly block counters used to determine cycle duration and remaining time in each cycle, we’ve added human-readable timers that show a time estimate based on the amount of blocks displayed.
  • Easier proposal execution: previously, proposals could not be executed unless all rejected and expired proposals were manually dropped, so we’re now batching everything into a single transaction, aiming to improve the user experience.
  • Friendlier DAO cycle configuration: properly configuring the cycle duration and execution/expiration thresholds in the DAO creator was something that users reported to be complicated, so we added better descriptions and human-readable time estimations to ease this part of the creation process.
  • FAQ page: we’d like to keep Homebase super user-centered, so we added a new page where we share questions that we’ve received from the community and their answers.


  • Linear gas calculation for proposals: we’ve refactored and optimized the way gas is calculated for handling proposals on BaseDAO’s smart contracts.
  • Amount of tokens returned after a proposal rejection: solved a bug causing DAOs to return the incorrect amount of staked tokens after a proposal was rejected.

How are DAOs migrated?

The process is:

1. Create a new DAO in the DAO creator at

2. Create a proposal in the V1 DAO to transfer all assets to the newly created DAO.

3. Vote and execute the transfer proposal.

We are providing a migration utility in the current application to make this process easier. Users will be able to pre-populate the DAO creator fields with their current DAO configuration and create a transfer-all-assets proposal with a single click.

Learn more about Homebase

Homebase has been live for some time now with the primary goal of allowing users to easily create and manage DAOs on the Tezos blockchain. Since Tezos Commons’ takeover of the project and collaboration with dORG, Homebase has evolved considerably with more updates/features planned down the road.

If you want to learn more about Homebase, be sure to read our introductory post.

More of a visual person? No worries, be sure to head over to YT and check out some of the materials there!

“We’re deeply invested in bringing the DAO empowerment to the Tezos community, if you’re as excited as we are, give it a try and let’s continue to build it together.” — Nestor Amesty, dORG

